
Devotees from all parts of India and around the world come to the Mission to get the blessings of Swami Paramananda and to quench their spiritual thirst through discourse. Devotees and visitors also participate in hour long spiritual discussions through the questions and answers on various topics which are held twice a day (morning and evening). They may stay at the Sadhana Bhawan, the House is meant for meditation (Sadhana) for a few days and practice meditation through their respective “Art of Life and Art of Living” under a proper guidance. The calm and cool atmosphere and the bliss in the air, is ideal for meditation. Devotees keenly desirous to attain a spiritual upliftment may spend a few nights at this Sadhana Bhawan and practice through the process of Art of Life and Art of Living, to know the body language, read one’s mind and know Thyself.